A downloadable game for Windows

A fun little twist on an endless 2D runner, where you have to summon the platforms in front of you. Join our little moth as they explore the cave :D. 

 Ludum Dare 55 submission.

JAM GAME by Jack Devlin (@jack-devlin) , Tophat218 (@tophat218) , XxCinna_MothxX (@xxcinna-mothxx) , Maddy_Bell (@maddy-bell) , and Cait15 (@cait15) *


Creed's leap.zip 50 MB


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Might've just been my keyboard, but the summon platforms mechanic was kinda temperamental (didnt work randomly) XD. But the idea is pretty dang cool and the player character's art is neat! 

frustrating difficult masepoes game extremely addicting i actually love it